Press release

Smokers sought to shed light on infrared study

Published on 1 March 2019

Smokers in Tayside could help scientists determine if infrared heat therapy could reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases, by giving up one day of their time

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Smokers in Tayside could help scientists determine if infrared heat therapy could reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases, by giving up one day of their time.

Taking part in the study involves a one day visit to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and participants will be reimbursed for taking part. 

The new trial, led by University of Dundee Masters student Gavin Pierpoint, seeks to study the benefits of infrared heat therapy, which involves the use of heaters that emit infrared light, which in turn is absorbed by the skin. The process is non-invasive and has no associated side-effects.

Gavin said, “Our previous studies in non-smokers suggest that far-infrared therapy could really be beneficial in improving the function of your blood vessels, but we need to know if this is also true in people that smoke cigarettes. If correct, this could help improve cardiovascular function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as angina, heart failure, even strokes.

“Participants must be at least 18 years-old and older, and have been continuously smoking for at least 2 years to be eligible to take part in the trial.”


Press Office, University of Dundee
Story category Student work/achievement