Research integrity training

An online video-based training course for researchers at all levels.

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The University has developed an online video-based training course - Responsible and Ethical Practice in Research and Publication. It promotes researcher awareness and engagement with research integrity issues. Postgraduate research students and academic and research staff can access the course at My Dundee. The course is mandatory for postgraduate research students registered from August 2016.

The course covers:

  • ethical approval and practice
  • plagiarism and recycling of text and research outputs
  • authorship
  • collaborative research and data management
  • peer review and publication ethics
  • general issues such as research misconduct and questionable research practice

It is designed to help you follow the principles of good practice at all stages of the research lifecycle, and to know what standards of professional behaviour you should expect from your colleagues and collaborators and they should expect from you. This will help you to avoid the potential problems and pitfalls which can damage both reputations and careers.

The resource is available to license to other higher education institutions. For more information contact or for a brief overview of the resource see the short film below.