Skills and Sources for Family and Local History in England module (RM50012)

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In the Skills and Sources for Family and Local History in England module, we shall study various sources and classes of records kept at county and national Record Offices from the 16th to 20th centuries. This will help you become familiar with the variety of sources available for local and family history research and how they can be used. This module has a strong practical emphasis, encouraging students to study and interpret primary source material, building up the confidence to use some of these sources in personal research.

  • Introduction to the wide variety of sources available in County Record Offices and National Archives
  • Highlights what sources are available for local and family history research topics including poor law and education
  • Raises awareness of the content and form of various sources including criminal and inheritance records.
  • The historical context of the sources
  • Overview of how sources can be used for local and family history research
  • Learning to develop critical analysis skills to interpret sources


Rosemary Steer