
Refer a student to the Student Support Team if you are a member of staff

Updated on 18 March 2024

If you are a member of staff and are concerned about a student’s wellbeing, you can refer them to the Student Support Team. They may not know the support is available to them and as such struggle to engage with student services.

On this page

Some students can find it difficult to manage university life, and they don't always find the help they need.

Stay on Course offers early pastoral support to help students make the most of their university experience. 


If you become aware that a student is struggling with personal circumstances outside their studies, or has struggles with their wellbeing and are not already engaged with support, encourage them to fill out the student support form.

If you feel the student needs help from specialised Student Services departments (such as Academic Skills Centre, Disability, or Counselling), please refer them directly to the that service as you usually would. This will allow them to access the support they need in a timely manner and they do not need a referral from student support to access these services.

Follow up

If the student is reluctant to fill out the form you can refer them to 

In this email please be as specific about the student circumstances and the support already been given by the academic school. 

This is so we can:

  • decide if we want to invite the student for a chat
  • assess their needs of help and support
  • work with them to identify suitable support
  • encourage them to engage with the correct support
  • empower them to support themselves moving forward
  • highlight tools for managing their own wellbeing

Students who are not responding to either email or phone messages/ attending classes

If you have tried to contact a student via email inviting them to come in for a meeting and they haven't responded, liaise with the team. You can also provide students with the email or share the link to the student support form

If you have immediate concerns about their safety alert the emergency services with your concerns by dialling 999.

Students reluctant to receive help

If a student is reluctant to receive help, we would suggest emphasising that we are here to help, not to make any judgement about them. Working with us will give them the best chance of succeeding on their degree path.


Confidentiality is always maintained. No personal information either verbal or written will be disclosed to anyone else outside of Student Support without the student’s consent, unless they or someone else is at risk. Some non-personal statistical information will be shared within the University for administrative purposes. If they are referred to other student services they will not share what is discussed with them unless they give their consent.


Student Support Team