
Find a job using JobShop

Updated on 25 July 2023

The JobShop advertises jobs, internships, volunteering, work experience opportunities, and is updated daily.

On this page

Access JobShop

  • Sign in online using your University of Dundee login details
  • When you first register you can set up preferences. If a job matches your preferences you will receive an email alert
  • You will have "life-long" membership to the JobShop
  • Students/graduates are responsible for searching and applying for positions

Apply for a position

Each job advert will contain instructions on how to apply. It may be an online application or you may be asked to email a CV and covering letter.

Please pay close attention to closing dates, as late entries will not be considered. The employer or organisation will contact you directly if they wish to interview you.

Searching and applying for jobs

Our guides can help you:

If you need help with your CV, you can submit your CV for review using Ask a Question or drop into a Quick Queries session. Find out how on the CareersPortal.

Sign in to JobShop