Kyle Donaghey

Architecture MArch (Hons)

A new pedagogical approach to enhance capacity building in Tacloban, redefining coconut lumber as an affordable and robust material for self-build projects.


kyle donaghey

This thesis explores using coconut timber as a resilient and sustainable building material for self-build projects in Tacloban. By promoting eco-friendly buildings, increasing local building capacity, and stimulating the economy, the construction industry can take advantage of this locally accessible resource. The study investigates the physical and mechanical characteristics of coconut timber and its potential to enhance Disaster Risk Reduction. The thesis proposes a demonstrator concept to show the viability of using coconut wood for low-cost, robust construction designs and suggests an innovation hub for the practical application of these methods. This strategy can transform Disaster Risk Reduction tactics and advance a sustainable self-build approach, influenced by Herman Hertzberger and John F.C. Turner's architectural concepts.

Eco-friendly buildings
Eco-friendly buildings
Eco-friendly buildings
