Daniel Rooney

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

Express Yourself! Is an interactive experience that allows users to engage more thoughtfully with their emotions in a calming space.


Express Yourself is an interactive instalment that allows the user to express a multitude of different emotions in a safe way, ensuring their privacy is respected. Express Yourself provides users with prompt cards that each link to an emotion and ask the user a question based on this. The user is then given the freedom to choose if they want to allow others to be able to view what they have written or, if they aren’t comfortable with that, discard it using the paper shredder. The plinth facilitates this interaction by creating a calming environment for the user to Express Yourself! One of these calming features is the lamp which is displayed on it. Inspired by stained glass window designs, the lamp gives off a white light which transitions to a calming yellow during its use. Similarly, the back-panel of the plinth takes inspiration from minimalist church aesthetics to give off the illusion of depth in the material through its engravings. Finally, the inclusion of the shredder into the design allows people to have a fun experience when discarding what they had written, instead of feeling shame for not engaging with the experience otherwise.

A Gallery of images that show off my project at different angles and perspectives.

This image showcases all the important aspects of my Project, from the mood light, to the card storage and the shredder in the background.

A gallery of images that shows off different aspects of my project, including my Cards, Plinth, Light and Shredder, from a variety of perspectives.

A Picture showing off the different colours of the mood cards

A picture showing off the different colours of the mood cards.

Feel free to find me on Instagram or LinkedIn, I use Instagram more often and am always open to conversations.
