Transitions Community Compass series - September 2024
Wednesday 25 September 2024
Transitions Community Compass series - June 2024
Neil Hume, is a doctoral student in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Edinburgh whose PhD takes a holistic approach to understanding primary to secondary school transitions for young people in two Scottish learning communities. He has been working with Kirsty De’Placido, Positive Transitions Service Manager, and Rebecca Williams, Policy and Research Officer, both from the social innovation charity People Know How, on the idea of a ‘transition charter’.
They believe this charter could set-out clear and consistent standards around what young people, their parents/carers and others should see in place for ensuring a positive transition from primary to secondary school. They hope that this ‘charter’ might be something schools and local authorities nationwide can sign up to, to evidence their commitment to excellence in transition practice.
They will discuss how the idea for this charter came about, how it has developed, and warmly welcome feedback from participants about its potential (and any challenges).
Please join us for an interesting conversation about this exciting idea being taken forward by a collaborative team passionate about seeing positive transitions for all young people.
Dr Charlotte Bagnall, a lecturer at the University of Manchester will chair the session. Her research is focused on supporting children’s emotional wellbeing within schools, particularly over primary-secondary school transitions. As part of her programme of research she is currently the Principal Investigator of the Primary-Secondary School Transitions Emotional Wellbeing Scale design and validation project.