
Compassionate leave - bereavement policy

Updated on 1 June 2020

An outline of the University's policy on compassionate leave due to bereavement.

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On the death of your closest relatives or dependants, the University will grant you a period of paid leave.

On the death of your closest relatives or dependants (such as your spouse, partner, civil partner, parent (in-law), natural or adopted child or relatives who live with you) the University will grant you a period of paid leave. The list of relatives is not exhaustive and will be determined on a case by case basis.

The duration of paid leave will take account of your relationship with the deceased, any domestic responsibilities you may have to undertake and any travel arrangements, but will not normally extend beyond 5 days.

Paid leave, normally not exceeding 1 day, will be extended in respect of the death of other close family relatives and people with whom you have had close or professional relationships, for the purpose of allowing you to attend the funeral.

Deans / Directors may allow unpaid leave or a flexible working arrangements to enable staff to attend funerals of friends, colleagues or other relatives.

Special consideration will be given to extenuating circumstances but, typically, the above arrangements will apply.


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