
Change of Academic Career Pathway

Updated on 15 February 2024

Process and application form for requesting a change of Academic Career Pathway.

On this page

The University recognises that there are different academic career pathways and that the focus of academic work for an individual colleague may change over time, and that this change can be underpinned by strategic developments within a school or subject area. It is acknowledged that, in exceptional circumstances, it may be best to consider a transfer from one career pathway (or academic job family) to another. Our expectation is that the need for such a process will be relatively rare as we seek to ensure that each of our academic job families are structured as effective routes for career progression.

If the Dean is supportive of such a change, the colleague should complete a Change of Career Pathway Application Form. The completed form should then be sent to the Dean of the School.

Resources on Sharepoint

The resources below can be found on the Reward & Recognition Sharepoint

  • Process for requesting a change of Academic Career Pathway
  • Change of Academic Career Pathway application form


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