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I am a medical sociologist with an interest in mother/infant inter-embodiment. I gained a PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 2019 for a thesis exploring pregnant embodiment in ‘obese’ women’s maternal healthcare. The research explored narratives of larger pregnant women and key healthcare professionals, focussing on the ways that the body was experienced in maternal healthcare spaces.

During and following my Doctoral studies I held the positions of Research Assistant/Fellow working on NIHR and Wellcome funded projects at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh (2017-20). I joined University of Dundee in 2020 as a lecturer (Health Sciences). My current research focuses on mother/infant inter-embodiment in the context of neonatal intensive care units. My work seeks to explore the boundaries between the body, other bodies and technologies, in and out of healthcare settings. I employ a variety of creative methods in my research and knowledge exchange practice, involving individuals and groups whose embodied experiences are often ignored or neglected.