Communication in Moving Image module (DJ31043)

An introduction to moving image work in teams or as individuals. Learn how sound, light, story, and image interact.

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You'll be working in groups to explore the many possibilities of video-making: camera, script, sound, edit, and colour. The development of skills in teamwork and collaboration are a key element of the module, which are reflected in the assessment and feedback processes.

The brief for the module is to create a short film made up of a maximum of 10 scenes.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • demonstrate understanding of industry standard technology and equipment and application of skills in this technology
  • students will develop skills in moving image production, able to communicate effectively in production roles
  • demonstrate a shared vocabulary of experience in production, which will enable them to further develop collaborations and personal practice
  • ability to reflect on their own and team experience of working in a collaborative environment, with an understanding of the inter-relation of group dynamics and individual responsibility
  • develop a methodology for recording their technical development

By the end of the module, you will be to:

  • demonstrate knowledge and skills in different roles in production of moving image work
  • show a clear critical understanding of the networks and processes involved in production and distribution of screen-media
  • demonstrate an understanding of the scope and defining features of screen literacy and criticality
  • awareness and understanding of ethics and planning for film production, e.g. location negotiations, access agreements, consent forms, etc

Assignments / assessment

  • a link to an online version of the work. Vimeo is recommended for image quality (20%)
  • evidence of students' individual contributions to the groupwork (50%)
  • 600-word reflective document (30%)

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

Morning sessions will be in studios, on locations, or in a DJCAD room. LT sessions will be held in the afternoon.

Week Topic
1 40 days to love film discussion and general module introduction.
2 Introduction to scripting and Adobe Premier.

Students complete scripting in groups of four.

Talk about organizing a film shoot.

4 The 5 c’s of cinematography and self-directed work.
5 Assisted work on projects and ProTools intro (sound software).
6 Reading week
7 GROUP CRIT with Gair Dunlop and Erica Eyres.
8 Editing workshop.
9 Post-production, dubbing and distribution advice.


Colour control sessions in Edit suites.



Gair Dunlop available for advice by appointment (sign-up sheet).



Finalising and submitting work.

13 Deadline for all module materials.


This module is available on following courses: