
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Friday 21 June 2024

In this workshop we will look at where imposter syndrome comes from and think more widely about how to tame your inner critic – where else does it show up or limit your confidence or proactivity?

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Friday 21 June 2024, 11:00 - 12:00
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The imposter ‘voice’ is one of many that come from our ‘inner critic’ and is very common. It presents itself as a feeling of inadequacy that persists even in the face of evidence that the opposite is true. It is frequently experienced, often by high-performing people, as a feeling of self-doubt and intellectual fraudulence. The good news is that it is completely normal, and sometimes even useful! The bad news is that it may result in you missing out on opportunities or creating the wrong impression with others.

In this workshop we will look at where imposter syndrome comes from and think more widely about how to tame your inner critic – where else does it show up or limit your confidence or proactivity? In this workshop we will explore common thoughts of self-criticism: when and where
they show up, what can we do to tame our "inner critic" and develop a more effective perspective on our abilities and successes.

Aims and Objectives
During the session you will:

  • Understand what imposter syndrome is, where it comes from and when it occurs
  • Reflect more widely on where and how your inner critic might limit your progress
  • Try out some approaches for dealing with the inner critic and imposter syndrome

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the workshop.

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Event type Online event