
Transitions Community Compass series - November

Wednesday 16 November 2022

We are excited to invite you to TCELT-INTR’s ‘Transitions Community Compass’ series. Each session will involve a number of guests who will share how they have navigated their transitions journeys.

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Wednesday 16 November 2022, 17:00 - 18:00
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For this conversation we will be hearing from Sarah Hulme and Daniela Mercieca who are Educational Psychologists and lecturers at the University of Dundee.  They are also mothers and will be talking with their children about their experiences during lockdown around homeschooling.  The challenge of merging personal, professional and educational boundaries led to reflections around role, identity and mothering in the context of a global pandemic.  For the children, their experiences were different and hearing their stories highlights some surprising reflections on what education / family means to them and what they value. 

The conversation will allow a space for us to hear the experiences of Sarah and Daniela’s children as well as allow an opportunity for reflection on how a societal transition interacts with ongoing family life from the perspective of different members of the family.    

This session will be hosted by Dr Beth Hannah (University of Dundee) who undertakes research on transitions and is Director of Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) Research Centre.

Event type Online event
Event category Research