
Update your staff profile on the people pages

Updated on 11 April 2024

Learn about the information displayed on staff pages and who to contact to get your profile updated

On this page

The people pages of the University website provide a searchable, single location where the contact details and related information for staff can be accessed. Staff are organised into groups corresponding to the University's organisational structure.

The content published on staff pages must not include offensive, threatening, defamatory, or illegal material. 

Profile photos

Profile photos used on the website must be:

  • high quality
  • on a plain, light background
  • colour rather than black and white
  • professional in appearance
  • front-facing and looking at the camera

Avatars, poor quality, or non-professional photos are not permitted.

A photographer in Creative Services should preferably take any new photographs provided to achieve a consistent style in line with University brand guidelines. If you need your staff photograph taken you should attend one of the regular photo sessions organised by Creative Services.

To get your profile photo updated, added, or removed from the website, log into the Self Service Portal and create a support ticket by clicking on the menu "Staff Profile Web Pages" on the right side and completing the form.

Biography and additional content

Content for the sections below is populated using the website content management system. If you wish to update any of this information, contact Web Services by logging on the Self Service Portal and create a support ticket by clicking on the menu "Staff Profile Web Pages" on the right side and completing the form.

The following guides from Web Services may be useful when adding content and links to people pages:


You should ensure your biography content is accurate and reviewed regularly. The information in this section should be professional, and you should ensure that you do not divulge anything considered private or personal (for example, your family background). 


As well as providing an overview of your research, you can list up to 10 research outputs in this section. Beyond this, detailed information about individual outputs should be displayed on your research profile on the Discovery Research Portal (a link to this should be on your profile).


This section can be used to describe your teaching responsibilities and activities. It is the responsibility of staff to ensure this to up to date and accurate. Requests for content updates can be sent to Web Services via help4u. In some Schools, designated administrative staff may be authorised to make updates on an individual’s behalf.

Websites links and other content

People profiles can display links to external sites that promote staff teaching and research activities. Permitted links include:

  • Personal blogs
  • Research project websites
  • Personal social media profiles
  • ORCID identifier

Embedded social media timelines/feeds are not permitted. Web Services reserve the right to remove any broken links.

The University does not provide the facility for posthumous people profiles.

Name and contact details

Content for the sections below is sourced directly from OneUniversity.

  • Title
  • Forename (this uses the 'Known as' field from a person's staff record but will default to the 'Forename' record if this isn't available. In other words, 'Joseph' will show unless you have told the People team that you prefer to use 'Joe'. Updating your 'Known as' will also update the display name for your email, for example 'Joe Bloggs')
  • Surname
  • Email
  • Job title
  • Group (i.e school/directorate, department/service)
  • Location (University standard internal address)

Honorary staff are not published by default but can be listed individually if approved by a Dean/School Manager.

By default PhD, students are not displayed on the website from OneUniversity. PhD students who are not staff can be listed on the website if required and approved by a Dean/School Manager. In both instances, please contact Web Services by emailing and these can be added.

Updating and amending your details

If any of this information is incorrect, you will need to contact your People Support team. These changes will be automatically reflected on the website.

Phone number

Phone numbers are sourced directly from the IT system. If this information is incorrect, email

Removing your details

If you do not wish to have your name and contact details displayed on the website, please email

Guide category Creating web pages