
Dundee placed in world’s top 100 for research quality

Published on 19 June 2019

The University of Dundee is one of the world’s top 100 universities for research quality.

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The University of Dundee is one of the world’s top 100 universities for research quality, according to a major survey released today (June 19).

The Nature Index 2019 tracks contributions to research articles published in 82 high-quality natural science journals, chosen by an independent group of researchers. For the first time, the Nature Index has produced a normalised ranking which takes an institution’s size into account when calculating the output of high-quality research. In this table Dundee ranks 82nd in the world.

Professor Andrew Atherton, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dundee, said, “We are producing research that is having an impact around the world, helping change lives locally and globally. The Nature Index emphasises that it is quality that matters more than size, and that many smaller institutions are, like us, punching above their weight in producing world-class research.”

Dundee is one of only two Scottish institutions in the top 100 of the normalised table. The other is the University of St Andrews, at 82nd, further highlighting the global impact of research carried out on this small stretch of Scotland’s east coast, which has gained an international reputation as “Scotland’s intellectual gold coast.”

David Swinbanks, Founder of the Nature Index, said, “The inclusion this year of a normalised ranking alongside the standard Nature Index annual tables is especially interesting because the ranking draws to light some smaller institutes that are proportionally outstripping research powerhouses.”

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