Practice Education Facilitators

Information on the focus and responsibilities of the Practice Education Facilitator (PEF) and Care Home Education Facilitator (CHEF)

On this page

Key focus areas

  • Support the preparation and ongoing professional development of the nursing and midwifery Practice Supervisor/Assessor workforce.
  • Enhance and support the role of the Practice Supervisor/Assessor within the practice placement area.
  • Provide robust communication networks between practice placement areas, universities and all other educational institutions who provide healthcare education/training.
  • Suggest strategies to enhance the practice placement learning environment for all learners
  • Facilitate education and support for all staff resulting in improved patient care.

What do PEFs do?

  • Provide and facilitate Practice Supervisor/Assessor update sessions.
  • Offer staff mentorship development and support.
  • Support practitioners undertaking a Mentor Preparation Programme (MPP).
  • Provide advice regarding supporting students in practice.
  • Provide information and education on the relevant university nursing and midwifery students'  assessment process.
  • Facilitate and manage development and support  for 'Practice Supervisor/Assessor led' education sessions for student nurses and midwives.
  • Facilitate and manage the Flying Start Rolling Programme for Newly Qualified Practitioners (NQPs)
  • Offer current information on nursing and midwifery education programmes.
  • Give support and advice for university practice placement audits.
  • Deliver current information on local, regional and national strategies, policies, and protocols in nursing and midwifery education.
  • Give advice and support on NHS Education for Scotland (NES) initiatives and funded projects.

Contacting a PEF or CHEF

Students: You should always contact your Practice Supervisor/Assessor or Advisor of Studies in the first instance.

For the Tayside PEF/CHEF team contact:

For the Fife PEF/CHEF team contact: