Emily Fong

Medical Art MSc

MAPPING A SENSE OF EQUILIBRIUM A multi-modal resource for exploring the inner ear


The sense of balance is coordinated between the vestibular pathways of the inner ear, neural control of eye movement and feedback loops from the muscular sense of proprioception. These three systems are synthesised within the brainstem and multiple structures of the cerebellum and cerebrum.

The aim of this research has been to create a multi-modal resource and learning experience for medical students and engaged public audiences on the vestibular anatomy of the inner ear and surrounding landmarks. Using graphic language that sits between the cadaver and the comic, the researcher hopes to open access to these complex structures through colour and contour. It is hoped that this resource benefits learning and clinical practice, inspiring further investigation into the connections between sensory systems.

3D Interactive model of the inner ear

Emily Fong standing on a ladder painting a mural of the eyes, ears and brain stem
3D Digital Model of the Inner Ear
2D drawing of the middle and inner ear
2D drawing of the brain stem connected to the eyes and the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
Hand holding a white plastic object that is a 3D printed prototype of the inner ear structure

Support this graduate

Throughout the pandemic, Emily Fong has been working as artist-in-digital-residence with the Wellcome Centre for Anti Infectives Research WCAIR at the university of Dundee. Early phases of this work can be viewed online via the link below and will be launched as part of the Dundee Science Festival in February 2023.
