Ross La Trobe

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Stale Cycling Design provides a made to order helmet design service for fashion conscious casual cyclists.


Profile photo of Ross La Trobe

Cycling helmets are generally considered as socially acceptable, not socially desirable. 

Stale helps customers bring their new cycling helmet into a fashion conscious urban world. A considered real life consultation provides customers with a choice of designs, colours and graphics to create their bespoke helmet design. Creating a connection with the outcome equates to genuine ownership. Lasting longer, wearing it more, being proud to show it off. These are all good things.  

Inspired by the current streetwear movement, Stale re-situates a pop-up retail concession in locations relevant to the brands and designers it’s collaborating with. Collaborators provide the colour schemes and graphic assets that customers can use to achieve their look. Exciting, disruptive and fun. Basically, anything but stale.

Wide shot of a bicycle workshop
Aerial view of a bicycle helmet sitting on a table
Bicycle helmet sits on a table

For a deeper look into my project, see my book and short film here.
