Madeleine Hunter
Crossing The Shoreline - knitted textiles to promote mental health and wellbeing through connecting mindfully with the natural environment.
The shoreline is where ocean meets land, where we can stand on solid ground and look out to sea, appreciating our safety while acutely aware of our vulnerability. The power and vastness of the sea is breath-taking, the ground beneath our feet is covered in a debris spanning from the present day to some distant past. Debris collected by the water’s movement and rhythms – polished stones and glass, fragments of shell and bone. My work takes this environment as a setting for self-care and wellness, noticing detail and appreciating beauty in small things. Being warm and comfortable in a cold place and being safe on the shore is connected to several related concepts: the Scottish lifestyle and wellness trend, Coorie is about achieving a better quality of life through relating intentionally to the natural environment. This relates to the salutogenic approach to human health that examines the factors that promote and maintain physical and mental wellbeing.
My collection captures the subtle details and interrupted patterns found on the shoreline. I have created a range of designs and showpiece blanket scarf made from merino wool, chosen for its weight and softness. These fabrics envelop the wearer providing warmth and comfort but also a deeper emotional connection through the subtle and intricate details and structures. It encourages the wearer to take the time to slow down and notice the details and allows for the piece to change and move as it is worn and wrapped on the body.