Euan Burns

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)

Multi-display interface, allowing classic car enthusiasts to get performance metrics, diagnostics, and cutting-edge tech features in one place.


Man sitting in old fashioned car

FUTRO, The future of retro. The multi-display digital interface is designed to bring classic cars into the modern era. With this technology, classic car enthusiasts can enjoy performance metrics, diagnostics, and cutting-edge tech features that were once only available in modern cars.

The interface includes a variety of customizable displays, each providing vital information about the vehicle's performance. From speed, performance, fuel consumption and engine metrics, drivers can closely monitor everything under the hood.

The technology also includes real-time feedback data, which can help identify potential driving issues before they become major problems. This can save drivers time and money by catching problems early and preventing costly breakdowns or repairs.

In addition to these performance features, the interface includes cutting-edge tech features such as retro-modern stereo and GPS navigation suggestions. With these features, drivers can stay connected and can easily stay on course with eco-conscious functionality even on long road trips.

Overall, the multi-display digital interface technology is an essential upgrade for classic car enthusiasts looking to modernize their vehicles while retaining their classic charm. with a period-appropriate graphic user interface,  advanced performance metrics, diagnostics, and cutting-edge tech features, it's the perfect way to enhance the driving experience and keep classic cars on the road for years to come.

FUTRO regenerative braking system

three dials, one green, one orange, and one red, with 'Futro' at the top of the image

Here we have an example of one of the features of the FUTRO system its regenerative braking system, to indicate the energy spent/gained in a EV conversion.
