Dilal Singh

Fine Art BA (Hons)

My work is about reconstructing society to become a much fairer and equal place for everyone and The art work you wish you bought twenty years from now.


Dilal Singh

My art practice takes an empirical view on social and political issues, as a second-generation Scottish Indian, born and raised in Edinburgh, I have often found myself on the periphery of society as an observer rather than a participant. This isolation allowed me to see and understand why I was made to feel like this and make me aware of many other people who have been made to feel marginalised. My work is a response to this, by scrutinising the wider structures that control the societies we live in today. I Focus on Male mental health (Toxic Masculinity), Capitalism and the Environment which I believe are intrinsic to the traditional ideologies that are beginning to be broken down and re imagined on a global scale. I want my artwork to help viewers see change is possible within these structures, and to encourage a change of habits which will allow for these changes to be implemented into society. I use painting, printmaking and sculpture, to express the deconstruction and reconstruction of these societal structures and to express a free form of thinking, to encourage people to act differently in society to help reduce social inequalities.

Change Begins with you

A wall hung sculpture of shattered fragments of glass, with prints on either side of the same shards.

Miles and George

a diptych, with male trumpet players on each convas, one upside down, with gold paint dripping down the canvas. text that reads give it a rest George.

Steal sculpture of shards

Pieces of steel cut to represent mirrored glass shards, bent and curved then welded together.
