Chloe Gardiner

Illustration BDes (Hons)

I like to use a blend of printmaking and texture in my work to create playful illustrations in which can provide a sense of community and comfort.


cartoon style image of girl with plant growing in pot on her head

As an illustrator I enjoy being playful in my work, people are my favourite thing to draw and I find enjoyment and inspiration in learning about other peoples experiences and help that inspire my own work. I like to use a mix of both traditional and digital materials,  often tending to use traditional printmaking techniques and incorporating this into my digital work. 

During my final year I opted to focus my work more on themes surrounding mental health awareness, well-being and community. I created a picture book in which discussed the importance of taking mental health days, as well as a selection of editorial illustrations that discussed the importance of setting limitations to screen time and the effect it can have on our mental health and wellbeing. Although ranging from more light-hearted themes to discussing more serious topics, overall I aim to make my work have a sense of comfort but still contain a sense of playfulness, in which people can find enjoyment in.

Book Project - Homebody

Girl emerging from a laundry basket wearing comfortable, baggy clothing.

For my first personal project of my final year I decided to create a picture book 'Homebody' in which discusses the importance of taking mental health days.

Screen Time - Editorial

An array of people on public transport looking at their phones.

One of my editorial illustrations based on the theme of setting limitations to screen time.


A sequence of six stages of the traditional process of making and designing record sleeve covers.

A riso print made in collaboration with the V&A depicting David Band's traditional process on creating record sleeves in the 80s.
