Iona Rose Wheeler

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Iona is an interdisciplinary artist and filmmaker. Their work tends to focus on physicality and queerness.


Profile picture for Fine Art student Iona Rose Wheeler

Figwasp is a short film about the symbiosis of a fig and a wasp, as represented by two people. Through the fig allegory and film medium, this project explores the male consumption of lesbians and queer women. Figs are germinated by a brand of bug called figwasps. The wasp climbs into a green fig and gets stuck. The fig feeds on the wasp’s body, using its enzymes to grow. By the time that the fig is ripe, the wasp is indistinguishable from the fruit’s flesh. The fig and the wasp are now one. You, the viewer, are invited into the fig, cosy and claustrophobic.

Poster for film. contains a photo of two people stitched together with text reading "fig wasp, Megan McEleny, Mollie DeMar, a film by Iona rose wheeler, so the figs and the wasps rely on each other to live in the end even though the wasp dies inside the fig the figs cannot live on without the wasp and the wasps cannot live on without the fig to lay their eggs in. don’t you see how this is love in its purest form? would you be the wasp or the fig?"

film stills

animated from sewn 35mm negatives.

gallery space

image of two women in bed surrounded by a film crew in a studio

For screening, collaborating, or any other inquiries, please get in touch through email.
